Sunday, November 4, 2007

Wanting more

It's interesting what you learn from your children. Besides wondering how your parents ever did it (like potty training, or teaching your son not to wipe his nose on his shirt), I learn so much about myself and about God from parenting if I just take the time to think about it.
My daughter is 3 months old and is just getting over her first cold. She has her favorite pacifier in her mouth, chomping away and she is swinging in her little baby swing. I make sure she is content and walk away to sit down at the computer. No sooner does my bottom touch the cushion than I hear a "waaah." The pacifier has somehow become lodged under her armpit. I turn away again and barely sit. "Waaaah!" The pacifier is on the floor. This is repeated several times until there is no point in even walking away. How is this like my relationship with Jesus? Time and again, He reveals to me these monumental truths for me to chew on. Wow! This is great! This will change my life! But I realize that these truths will only change my life if I hold on to them. I can have revelation after revelation, but it will not do me any good if I keep spitting it out and wailing that I'm not getting anything from God.

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