The Christmas program at church went very very well. Ian decided that being a mouse was not so bad, especially when he got to put on the entire costume. These are the only pictures we got of the program, since we were in the church gym and the lighting wasn't conducive to picture taking and everything was so far away it would only have looked like black with white dots.

But everything went very well and the set was wonderful. There were plenty of mice on a rug, listening to the Gramma Mouse tell the story of Christmas. The dialogue was a recording, so the actors just went along with the recording and acted it out. To keep all the young mice ON the rug and relatively quiet, a brilliant mom decided to get yarn, big, blunt needles, and boxes upon boxes of Froot Loops and Apple Jacks. Then they set all the kids up and had them make Froot Loop strings "for their Christmas trees," though most of the kids treated it like a huge candy necklace and kept eating the cereal off of the yarn. Ian was so engrossed in this, I had to pry him off of the rug long after the play was over. The other kids were gone and he was still there, crowding Loops onto his yarn string. We brought it home for him to nibble off of the tree in the middle of the night when no one is looking. It does seem to be getting suspiciously shorter....
Thursday was "Wear your PJs to School Day" and the kids watched the Polar Express and had hot chocolate and popcorn. It was a hectic morning, I didn't get a picture, but boy was everyone excited. I picked Ian up and he still had the chocolate ring around his mouth. It took a while for that sugar high to crash and when it did, well, let's just say he fell asleep last night with the lights on.
But before he did that, he had another round of "Ian the Photographer." Pictures are worth 1,004 words, so here they are. We'll hear all about the class Christmas party when I pick Ian up this afternoon.

Just for clarity, the last one is Ian's drink...tea, ice and straw. :D
I just knew Ian would make an adorable mouse. How could he not? His photography is very ..... creative. Erin was caught in a few different reality poses. Cute expressions mom! And btw.... I definitely needed the clarification on the last picture. Thanks. :P
Yeah, I wasn't so sure what it was until I asked Ian. Then I got the incredulous duh-look. And in the posed pictures, he is very particular about telling you what kind of face to make. :D
I wonder if Ian speaks Erinese???
I can so see Ian making the duh-look!
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