We are going on a trip soon and Ian is making me nutty! At times, I wish I had just waited and gotten him up at 5:30 on The Day and said, "Get up! We're going on an airplane!" Instead, I opted that anticipation is almost as sweet as the gift, and we have been marking off days since day 15. Now we have a few days left and he is stubbornly insisting that today is day 2. Today is day 2. Today is day 2. Aaaaah! Sorry, honey, nothing I can do can make it day 2 any faster. But the 3 year old mind is not a mind of logic. Just of unsurpassed stubbornness.
Erin on the other hand, is now a crawling machine. She is getting fast and discovering all sorts of fascinating things. Especially Ian's toys. Usually to the chorus of "Ew! Baby goober is making it all gross! We need to wash it off. Mommy, NO! No, Baby girl!" All the while, she is happily munching on the Hot Wheel, train, book, etc, enjoying the commotion.
Well today's commotion was as usual. Then Ian walks casually over to me and, still watching SuperWhy, remarks, "Baby's girl's playing in poo poo diapers."
I heard the crackling, but discounted it as normal play noise. Ha ha. She was in our room, sitting on the floor bapping around the trash bag that houses the yucky diapers. Said diapers were littered all over the floor around her. She wasn't sure why I ran in there, but happily lifted her arms when I came in. I practically bathed her in Germ-X. I warned her not to taste her fingers for a while, but I'm not sure she listened.
Chris slept through the whole thing. I really wish we could just switch brains for a day. It would be really educational...and I would get more sleep.

On Tuesday afternoon, we broke out the bike trailer and our bicycles and went on a family bike ride. Buddy had been sleeping in the bike trailer all winter, it looked like, but Chris vacuumed and I sprayed Febreeze and Chris scrubbed and vacuumed some more (notice my huge contribution; whew!) and finally deemed it ready for our offspring. The kids had a blast. Ian protested all the way home because he didn't want to GO home (it's starting already). Erin just enjoyed the fresh air and enjoyed sitting next to Ian and I think she liked it a lot. I'll let you decide.
now it is 2 more days! erin looks absolutely delighted.
love you all and counting down the hours!
They are just too cute! Have fun on the plane ride! I'm sure Ian will. :)
What a cute smile Ian. Erin looks like she enjoyed family biking time. The munchkins look like they are getting bigger and bigger each time you post new pics. How the time flies by. One of our children, we won't name names, but the mentioned child decided to decorate the bathtub with her, I mean,the childs poo poo. Needless to say, it was a lesson learned...when the phone is ringing, and your toddler is in the tub, DO NOT LEAVE THE ROOM, let the answering machine pick up. Unfortunatly, we did not have that convenience, and I ran out to get the phone. We were about to get out of the tub anyway, so the water was pretty much out of the tub.I took the drain plug with me so as to try and exercise some safety, but we were not saved from our little bundles' artistic endeavor. Yuck!!!! Tiled walls in the bathroom and a toddlers curiosity DO NOT MIX WELL,at all!!!
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