Well, we're home. And let's just say that we won't be flying (voluntarily) any time soon. Travelling with a firearm is pretty near impossible, so I guess the main point is: don't do it! And this is the for the people who are Allowed to. Sheesh! I won't bore everyone with the hassles we had at the airports, but know that even calling the corporate office of the airlines and talking to the supervisor who knows airline policy will not help you one bit. Everyone we talked to and everywhere we went had their own policy and we didn't fit into any of it. So then we had to check the gun, in its case, after it was taken apart and then lock the suitcase. On the way back we had to buy a different lock because locking the suitcase wasn't good enough. This was after we missed a flight (and almost the second one) because we didn't do the right things to be able to carry on-flight. And of course the security checkpoints.....
Everyone, even the baby, got patted down and of course we all wore tennis shoes! Arrrgh!
On the way back we got smart and wore flip flops, so of course we weren't chosen. But everyone at the airport is So so cheerful.....(sense the sarcasm).
Anyway, we all made it back, though 2 of our largest suitcases will be turned over to trash due to rough handling by the airlines. Rr. ayah.
Anyway, today has been busy doing all those things that you have to do when you get home after a long absence. Revel in your home toilet (this is a family thing). Hug your pillow extra hard. Scan the house with your bottle of bug killer. Sigh and huff over the mess your house sitter left. Only 2 casualties, our oldest fish and a bunny. The housesitter thinks that he (the bunny) died because it was too hot in the house. I guess that's what the air conditioner is for.
That and maybe Fresh Water. The other bunny was liberated this morning. We have high hopes that he will live to populate our town with more little bunnies that we will not have to foster.

We also had the kickoff to our library's summer program this morning at 10. We made it....barely. Then we went grocery shopping! No food in the house?! Aaaaack! But it's all better now. And then there's the bills and junkmail to sort through and balancing the checkbook that was neglected and doing online billpay and bank checking. Ew. Making tea and putting stuff away. Deadheading my rosebushes. Listening to Chris fuss because the housesitter told him that he mowed and he didn't, thus the waist high grass in the yard. Then he fussed some more because he ran out of gas and the mower is not the best tool for waist high grass.
But my garden is beautiful! Oh boy, we gonna have squash in a few days! And tomatoes! Woo hoo!!!! Get out my cornmeal and oil because I'm having fried green tomatoes!
But we had a marvelous time in FL. Leaving is just rough though. We are very ready to be closer to family (and Publix and Sonny's).
Waiting on Chris's exam results. He is not as hopeful as I am. We are wanting this so bad, we don't want to get our hopes up too high. Erin is up from her nap. She learned to crawl like lightning and got 2 teeth while we were gone. She is having fun exploring the (dirty) house. Her legs are blackened! But we are back. Back in the saddle, back to reality, and back to the grind. That's what Chris was thinking as he went back to work anyway. That and he'd really rather be mowing at Grampa's house on the riding lawnmower....
Will post more pics later, but they're all still on Chris's phone.