Today was the day after Christmas and there was a definite feeling of uncertainty in our house. Ian seemed to have a sort of "uh, that's IT?" mentality. And at the tender age of 4 realized that Santa had not gotten him Everything that he had asked for.

He had been a good boy, he assured me, but Santa had forgotten to bring him the Wall-E movie. "Well," I told him, "you have that gift card from Pop-Pop and you can buy Wall-E with that." He seemed satisfied. "Or you can get a new game for your new Leapster." He brightened. "Yeah!!!" And that was the end of that conversation.

I'm sure we'll get something completely unrelated to both of those when we go to Wal-Mart, but at least he's thinking about it.

Erin is just really enjoying her new toys (and Ian's Legos) and has spent considerable time with all of them today. And she has joined in the rest of the family as we inhaled countless Hawaiian rolls. (Well, not countless, we only got a 24 pack, but if you ask anyone how many they've had, they'll just look sheepish and confused and say "I dunno. Why?"

So without further ado, here are our Christmas pictures. They would have been More and better detailed and better thought out, but the kids were lightning fast and ready to get down to business. Ian didn't think he needed to look at name tags and Erin was just trying to stand up on top of a couple big ones to see out the window. She put her foot through one box and it had to be doctored up a bit (Ian didn't care, but he was upset that she was allowed to stand on them and he wasn't).
So after our offspring's 8 minute frenzy under the Christmas tree, this was as good as I could get. :D
For our Christmas breakfast, the only picture I made it into, we made waffles.

It was a bit chaotic, especially since everyone kept changing positions, but I'm positive that my HC was there, doing crowd control.

The Leapster. (crowd roars) Thanks Gramma, Papaw, Mimi, Grampa, Great-Granna and Great-Papaw!

What do you mean, I hafta wait until she's done?! We could be here for hours!

Thanks, Auntie Jacque and Uncle Jeremy! This is a Berry Doll, sorta like a Popple.

Thanks to Auntie Jacque and Uncle Jeremy again, the Fridge Phonics WordBuilder is a huuuge hit with everyone.

These are a few pics of Erin and Daddy playing with his boot inserts.

Thanks to Great Granna and Great Papaw for the neat helicopter. There were some Hot Wheels in need of rescue....

This is another one of Ian actually opening something slowly.

Oooh, what's in here? It's a Leapster Game and a charger (thank you so much to Gramma, Papaw, Mimi, Grampa, Great Granna and Great Papaw...what a huge deal)!

And every little girl needs a Raggedy Ann dolly. Thanks Mimi and Grampa!

And if anyone is curious about the cup and saucer above, Santa got egg nog and turtles for his snack. We also spread the glittery oats in the yard (a gift from someone at school...sheesh). It's a good thing that Santa likes egg nog, because I sure don't. But I do like the turtles.