Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Too Many Funerals

It seems as if we've had funerals every time we turn around. As if we needed more reminders of our mortality. Today's funeral was for a fellow cop. He and his state trooper friend went to a car dealership to pick up a surprise new car for the trooper's wife. The cop was driving the new car back to the trooper's house and would wait until the right moment to drive it into the driveway. The trooper was following his friend in the new car when a tow truck pulled out in front of the cop. The new car was totalled. It took 30 minutes to pull the cop from the mangled car. He died. He was 31 years old and had a wife and two small children. He served warrants with my HC for a day. He was the only cop my HC knew in Wagoner. This is a very sad thing for us. My HC went to the funeral today.
The last funeral he went to was for his boss's husband who died from a brain tumor less than three months after he was diagnosed.
So I guess I'm in a pretty somber mood.
On a lighter note, I did get to pet a chinchilla today. Erin wanted to take it home. She also didn't want to let the 9 foot boa go back in the box. Or the toad. Or the tree frog. But she did not like the stuffed otter. It was weird. I agree. I'll take a real otter any day of the week.


MrsEvenSo... said...

Praying for all. May God's righteousness prevail.

MrsEvenSo... said...

August 24..... with all your spare time these days (and i say that loosely ;p) we are starved for stories from you....